Kim Gottschall

Kim Gottschall

About Me

My photo
My name is Kim Gottschall Owner of KJ Enterprises. I am married with two wonderful children and live in Saraland, Al. I have a successful home business and Love working from home. I strive each and everyday to achieve my goals of total financial freedom. I learn something new each and everyday that helps me toward my goals. I apply every new method in my business and personal attitude development which is very important to me. My favorite quote and everyday thought is “You become what you think about and I truly believe that true passion fuels success and passion never fails”

Friday, December 3, 2010

Get Your Kindle Today......

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology.
4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (6,998 customer reviews)
Kindle is our #1 bestselling item for two years running. It’s also the most-wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product on Amazon.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Diet Solution Program

If you want to Lose Fat – Stop the CONFUSION Right Now!

If you’ve ever spent even 2 minutes on the internet, it’s pretty clear that there is no shortage of weight loss, fat loss, and diet advice out in the world today.

In a way, this is kind of a good thing. If someone is motivated to lose weight and change the direction of their health, they’ve got a ton of wonderful information at their fingertips.

But, in a way, this is a very BAD thing as well, because based on what I’ve seen on a lot of weight loss and diet sites, the information is inaccurate, not scientifically based, and, in some cases, could even be detrimental to someone’s health.
That is usually where the confusion begins…and for some…the INSANITY!

If you’re not a nutrition and exercise expert yourself, how are you supposed to differentiate the good from the bad?

Well, I’ve got some pretty great news for you today. Not only have I found a great resource for you…jam packed with real, useful, accurate and easy to understand information…it also happens to be F*ree!

That’s right. The following 20 minute video I’m about to share with you contains a ton of great fat burning information you can put to use right away. Actually, I’ve even had some people tell me that by just using the principles contained in this video, they were able to easily lose their first 10 lbs. How great is that?

You too can watch this F-R-E-E video by clicking the link below:

If you want to know…
• Which foods you may think are helping you lose weight (but are actually causing you to gain weight)
• Which Carbs, Proteins, and Fats are the best to eat for maximum fat loss
• How to regulate specific hormones to cause fat burning in your body
• Exactly which strategies will never work when it comes to weight loss

Then this video is for you!

I know you’ll enjoy the information as much as I did.


Play the best golf of your life or your money back....
Add amazing distance to every drive and cut your handicap by up to twelve strokes with the only instruction system proven to help almost any golfer break 80.

Dear Friend and Fellow Golfer:

Can you handle the truth?
Most club pros don't think so. And certainly none of the other golf instruction sites will tell you what I'm about to.

Ready? Click the link to improve your game.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Golfer's Dream Store

This is a must for the Golfer's a huge array of products available to all golfer's.  Browse any category to the right for all of your needs.

Featured Product:

Check outCallaway x-22 8 Club Iron Set (4 to Sand Wedge) for some really great deals online.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest

Generation : Reviews and Descriptions

Kindle is our #1 bestselling item for two years running. It’s also the most-

wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product on


First, reasons why we prefer the kindle over nook:

* Page refresh speed
Kindle 2 was twice as fast as nook, Kindle 3 is slightly faster yet. However, I

read a whole book on the nook and didn't find page refresh to be so slow as

to be annoying. You get used to it, and automatically develop the habit of

pressing the page turn button a second before you need it.

* Navigation speed
Here is where the kindle has a huge advantage. Moving the cursor around

the screen (e.g. to select things) is way, way, way better on kindle than

nook. When you use the rocker button (on kindle 3, or the joystick on

kindle 2), the cursor moves almost immediately. In contrast, when you use

the "virtual rocker button" on nook's color touch screen, there's a

noticeable lag before the cursor moves. Plus, just to get to the cursor

control on the nook, you have to turn on its color touch screen (which is

normally off when not in use, to save battery power). This adds to the lag


* Screen contrast
You've seen Amazon's claims that the Kindle 3 e-ink has 50% better

contrast. I can tell you, it makes a difference, particularly in low light

conditions, when you have to strain a little to make out the not quite as dark

characters on Kindle 2 and Nook. When lighting is not ideal, it's much

easier and more pleasant to read on Kindle 3 and Kindle DX than on Nook

or Kindle 2.

* Battery life
The nook's color LCD touch screen drains its battery quickly - I could never

get more than 5 days out of a charge. We got at least 7 days or more on the

Kindle 2, and supposedly the Kindle 3's battery lasts slightly longer between

charges than Kindle 2.

* Weight
Nook weighs about 3 ounces more than the new Kindle, and you can really

feel the difference. Without a case, Nook is still light enough to hold in one

hand for long reading sessions without fatigue. But in a case, Nook is a

heavy sucker and wears you out after a while. I found myself taking Nook

out of its case when I was reading Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. The

new Kindle 3 is so light, even in a case, my wife and I read on our new

kindles until quite last last night, each holding them in their lighted leather

case with one hand (we are such an old married couple!).


Friday, September 10, 2010


How do you pick the perfect handbag to add to your beautiful outfit or your collection?  Well this is a very precise question and effects all women different.  Women are looking for design, style, area space and if it can hold everything you like to carry around with you.  If your like me , that's everything but the kitchen sink...

I always look for what is in style and colors that will go with everyday outfits. This is not very easy but when you have a great variety and affordable prices it makes it easy to have many to choose from in your collection for your everyday needs and seasonable changes.

I like handbags with many pockets to keep things in their place.  I like to have concealed areas for things you may not want others to see.  I like bold fashionable colors when in style for that particular season.  Over sized handbags have become very popular lately but sometimes over sized are really shocking because they are really big.  I like to go somewhere in between a little to start with.  Not so overwhelming , you know what I mean.

So what should you really look for in a fashion handbag?  Well first off make sure your wallet fits or they have a fashionable matching wallet with that particular handbag available.  Make sure you have adequate space for the items you like to carry.  Make sure you have access to a great compartment to tote your cell phone where you will not have to dig to the bottom of your purse to find your phone.  I know everyone can relate here right.  Make sure you find a style that is pleasing to your style and not just trying to relate to others because you will not be happy.

Well ladies I hope my article has related to your fashion needs.  I have found a great site that provides for me.  I wish you all the same luck in your journey to fashion handbag needs.  Make it a great day.